Monday, August 11, 2014

Teleporting with Squirt and The Water-Walking Wizards

LOVE IT when their imaginations enable rare moments of harmony!

We can play wizards now...I have your passport! 
Use our force fields...your name is squirt.  
Let's walk on water but first we have to go to the lake. 
I'm going to do my own spell for water.  "monishonentantansta!" 
 Okay, time to teleport.   You guys teleport...I'll meet you on the other side.  
Why does she always have to go in my force field?  
Gotta teleport to the bathroom!  
(Moment of panic because we can't get the wizard cape off!)

Monday, July 28, 2014

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Breakfast Battles and Pumpkin Sex

Even with this strategic placement of their cereal bowls, they still managed a physical altercation. 
This plant will hopefully produce our Halloween pumpkin.   The male flowers are open...just waiting for the females to mature.  We don't have enough bees, so we will use a paint brush to polinate them.  Great tool for explaining the basics of reproduction to your kids!